Sunday, January 9, 2011

Month 1 - Fabric Jewelry

I love small projects. I like something that can be accomplished in less than a weekend. My curse is that I have so many ideas that I quickly want to move from one thing to another. Don't we all have a little less focus than we'd like?

This is where my idea for this blog began. I currently have an Etsy shop. I grew tired of trying to make the same design in several different colors to give my buyers a variety. Even more so, it's hard to do this not knowing if something will be sold. Custom work fuels me and allows me to be the most creative. Back to the blog idea - if I can create something new once a month, I will feel like I'm developing my skills and staying fresh. Instead of making a million of one thing, I'll just make one for myself! If you see anything you like, let me know and I will make one custom for you.

More than anything, I want to give you a peek into my crazy crafting mind!

And so, 2011 Craft Quest begins!

For the month of January, I'm venturing into fabric jewelry. I love prints when it comes to accessories because most of my clothing is all solid colors. Bringing in prints to a plain black top is the easiest (and most economic) way to make you feel like you've got options and you don't think "Oh, this is the fourth time this month I've worn this outfit." I also love pieces that have dimension.

And now for the unveiling of my first piece. I can't wait to wear it!!

If you'd like to request a custom necklace, please visit my Etsy site:


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. Wow! Look at all the things you can make with fabric. Cool looking necklace. Good luck.
